Golden Moments

Life, experiences, challenges, insights, reflections, lessons, truth and wisdom.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

All for the love of a TAG...

Friends, Countrymen, fellow Netizens lend me your eyes!

Season's greetings, peace and prosperity to all.

Today , i shall complete something which is dear to every bloggers hearts, nostrils and intestines - the elusive fever called "tagging" . This one is my first, courtesy Maya.

Without further ado, by your leave, allow me to share with you this fun tag ...

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn on page 18 and find line 4.

concoting excuses for missing work.

2.Stretch your left arm out as far as you can.

hmmm..just got to lay my hands on the candy holder- hershleys crackel..crisped rice milk chocolate...and its already melting in my mouth ...heavenly!

3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?

Taylors performance in American Idol

4.Without looking, guess what time it is?
3:00 p.m

5. Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?
3:00 p.m

6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
birds chirping

7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
Today morning, to volunteer at a school. Corrected math papers.

8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
Outside the was raining softly

What are you wearing?
clothes!:)..atleast thats what i call them:) top and white capri

10. Did you dream last night?
No. was so tired...didnt have the time to dream actually:) slept like a log!

11. When did you last laugh?
This question actually put a smile to my face...had a good laugh just a few minutes back correcting papers.

12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
A large beautiful painting of Krishna leela right in the centre of the wall

13 Seen anything weird lately?
yeah! the mirror:)

14. What do you think of this quiz?
..will answer it in the end..let me finish the quiz first.

made me realise i am surrounded by beautiful things around me..never gave it a thought before and also how sweeet it was of maya to have tagged me.:)

15. What is the last film you saw?
Chronicles of narnia- the lion, the witch and the wardrobe...courtesy project party...we slept when the lights went off and were rudely woken up when one sleeping at the very end had to get up to pee!

16. If you became a multimillionaire overnight, what would you buy?
Would deposit all that money in a bank with my mom as a joint account holder and ask her to do what ever she wants to do with the money.

17. Tell me something about you that I dunno.
I have an excellent memory power and am a good singer.

18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
Nothing..coz i firmly believe things are, the way they are meant to be.

19. Do you like to dance?
Only if i have a partner.

20. George Bush
George who?

21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?

22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?

23. Would you ever consider living abroad?:)
I am currently living abroad..and i cant wait to come back to India...coz there is no place like HOME.

24.What do you want GOD to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?
Dont worry ...they (my family) will do fine without you!:)

25.I tag!

Gaurav Jain and

hope u guys have fun!..after all whats a TAG without u guys!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I am, therefore I think...

Expand (a+b)^n.

................................................(a. + .b) ^ n
.............................................. (a ..+.. .b) ^ n
............................................ (a... +... .b) ^ n
That forward in my mail made me grin big time!!... & also to reflect on my days of tryst with!!! How i ever managed to top my M.B.A is a mystery!:)

PS:Before you read further let me polish my image a bit .. I am quite adept in maths now... please dont be misled by my "past performance".

Class 1: Q: 67+45= ?.
Hmm I failed that test.. know why? Coz I started counting my fingers ...then my toes ..then the number of heads i could see around me...then i ran out of heads to all added up to 60..i wrote 60 and gave up my paper:-)
now dont ask anything about subtraction...i could never make heads disappear...i am no magician u see!!:-)...and i ended up getting marks shaped something like a bald head...for some reason they called it zero!

I was then introduced to the concept of drawing sticks... to add up things of course, instead of heads! and i was just getting a hang of it, when...
... came the lessons in Multiplication and Division that confused me even further...
Class 2:
Q:16 x 27=?... Hmm...thats a hell lots of sticks, i thought!!! I spent whole of the next 2 hours just drawing and counting 16 sticks twenty seven times..( twenty three times only actually )...This time i ran out of time...and got hit with sticks on my hands...but for some reason they called it a cane :-)

...and just when i had learnt to add and subtract and got all the tables by heart...

Class 5 : ... came Linear equations. Well I always wondered why they kept calling it linear equations as there is nothing Linear about Linear equations.. they always came in parellels..:-)
Q: solve the following
6+4(x+y)=0 ----1
4+6(x+y)=0 --- 2 find x and y

...this time i did exactly what i was asked to do
6+4=10 hence 10(x+y)=0-- 1
4+6=10 hence 10(x+y)=0-- 2
Therefore in my best knowledge - x+y =0!! ....precisely equal to the marks I got:))

Class 7:Geometry was introduced in one case we were given a problem where a triangle was given and 2 angles were given.. we had to find the third angle. Now I royally skipped the question. Ask why?.. :-) see the angles given were 45 degrees and 60 degrees.. I took out my protractor and measured the angles.. they hardly came up to 20 degrees and 30 degrees respectively.. so I concluded it was a PRINTING MISTAKE !!!:-)

Then They introduced me to the sin(e)ful world of trigonometry...
Q: Find the limit of [sin(7x)]/(5x) as x -> 0
answer...... [sin(70)]/(50).

next question....

Q. sin x
...------- = ? answer.....six!!!
Proof: cancel the n in the numerator and denominator.

what about statistics??... u ask they say, a statistician can have his head in an oven and his feet in ice, and he will say that on the average he feels i guess on an average...i did just FINE!!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

I have been thinking about this very seriously for sometime now.I don’t know if it is common for people to think so much about something before they come up with any decision .I doubt if its even normal . But then again...I have had so many issues regarding it... maybe that’s why. Or is it something else? Is it some nameless fear??? Of late this burning desire has increased so much that I am even writing a blog on it!... or am i wierd??!!I don’t know if my surroundings are compelling me to think so much about it or my need to share life and love that’s compelling me to think about this. Even my head has had countless arguments with my heart but there simply seems to be no end to this…if i listen to my heart, I am sure I will be breaking many a rules…then again…arent rules meant to be broken???...blame it all on the killer looks that gets me all hooked...Tall, strong, brown, hairy, black eyed Airedale Terrier of the canine family ... and my desire to have a pet! were you thinking???

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Wonder Why...?

I am here to wonder -
Wonder about many a stuff that dont seem to make sense, yet still manage to take place.
About why I yap about a zillion petty things when I pretty much know I have much better things to do than complain.
About why I make a mountain of a mole hill when I have managed many a times to make ant-hills of mountains!

I am here to wonder about perfect strangers, who for some reason seem very familiar
and why I see a stranger when I look into the mirror.
why things start all exciting after sometime start getting all mundane.
why my steps arent so proud & bold like they once used to be.
why my gusto for doing things is going wrong.
why I sometimes feel a pit in my stomach.
why I feel emptiness and sorrow when richness and elation is all embracing me.

I am here to wonder why giving myself a little cry every now and then helps ease the personal burdens I carry that I can't simply talk about with anyone else.
I am here to wonder about things I encounter in my daily life that seem so meaningless. May be if I write it down and retrospect, its true value will surface
I am not here to preach. I am here to wonder...and wonder I will.

curiously me

[P.S - i have had n number of people asking me what do i intend to achieve thru blogging...this is dedicated to them :-)]

Monday, April 03, 2006

Plastic beauty!

Summer Smellathon!
The mother of all sales!
The Biggest & Baddest Smells Event!
Look better for Less!
Summer Makeover Event!
In the factory we make cosmetics, at drugstores we sell HOPE!
.....tingle, mingle, glow...wait a minute...SHIT!!!
...These are not advertisements that I come across in between TV fact these are themes around which programmes are spun for several hours together..why sometimes even the whole day for 7 days a week...and add to my agony..seeing all this on all the "n" number of channels that came with a promise of providing me with a variety of entertainment!
...and what is most entertaining to me is the fact that there are people who watch this crap without actually getting bored day in and day out, else surely they would have been taken off-air for want of viewers.
Women have two weapons they say- cosmetics and tears.
Isn't this the problem? That women have been swindled for centuries into substituting adornment for love, fashion (as it were) for passion? They are all firming or uplifting or invigorating. They make you tingle. Or glow. Or feel young. They are prepared with hormones or placentas or royal jelly. All the juice and joy missing in the lives of these women are to be supplied by the contents of jars and bottles. No wonder they spend twenty dollars for an ounce of face makeup or thirty for a half-ounce of hormone cream....all for looking NATURALLY beautiful! What price bliss? what price ecstacy?
..and adding salt to the wound..
There they were... shown, sitting all tarted up, some even excusing themselves to get their routine touch-ups of AHA's and PHA's every 15 mins...Then, in walked a plastic beauty...How could she be late for the meeting? SHE was the keynote speaker on today's topic - "Cosmetic Industry- A Misdemeanor".