Golden Moments

Life, experiences, challenges, insights, reflections, lessons, truth and wisdom.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Murphy is back!

Murphy's law is very well known and when i reflect upon my good old college days..I can clearly see as to how the law explains why if you think something simply cannot go wrong , it just has to and will go wrong anyways.
..ahem...Here are a few" accidental mishaps" i have encountered and am sure you must have too!
The day you decide to take the bus to college-
-Everyone who usually commute by their own vehicle also seem to have decided to take the bus that day..and they usually fall under two categories
1. They r only men
2. They have passed out of college long time back and seem to be simply they call..destiny!
-There is a bus strike..and the probabilities are that
1. All the above population rush to the bus stand to get their vehicles and provide you free entertainment. They never have the courage to give you a lift though and the ones who do offer you a lift...are the ones with HERO Honda stickers on their SLR cycles!
If you get lucky and there is no bus strike
-The bus is so crowded that-
1 you also usually end up doing the tarzan thingie..and inspite of that land up on the footboard.
If u accidentally do manage to go beyond the land up going all the way right in the middle of no where and get stuck there. There the probabilities are-
* There is always a girl next to you who falls under the two options
- who has decided to make her head a walking coconut hair oil factory, and hence the studious girl she is, decides to give free oil to the rest of the passengers.
- A"rights activist" who extends the same sympathy to the hive of lice and nits on her head and allows it to peacefully co-exist...and shares the pleasure of rearing them to fellow humans too!
* There is always a man next to you who is wearing his family shirt, passed on to him by his great ancestors, which he has for some sentimental reason managed not to wash- FAMILY SCENT! i guess..and if he comes from a water scarce area..the probabilities are that he has'nt taken bath since last deepavali and has used a mixture of sprays and scents as liberally as water.
And if for some reason you do escape all the above situations and manage to get a seat and seem to enjoy a dream ride...the bus stops right in the middle of the highway...and the driver informs you that there has been a break down! (phew!!)


Blogger Voice said...

this happened or u were just giving examples?.

k i will try yo read all ur blogs....
.. as u write all ur blogs nicely so it is not a tuff job

1:52 PM  
Blogger curious said...

It is a reality...anyone who has ever had to take a bus to go to school or college will relate to this!..espl south Indians.


1:56 PM  
Blogger Mohan Kodali said...

even if u manage to get a seat, how can you imagine it will be the best thing as u have to swim across to get down at ur destination! :d

PS: got here by the link from voice blog.

1:00 PM  
Blogger curious said...

even if u did mistake "highway" for "bridge" i still dont get what u mean!

..thanks for reading my blog!

1:26 PM  
Blogger Mohan Kodali said...

tried to point out the large no of people commuting and the problem of getting down the bus is as difficult as gaining a seat or catching up a bus.

i guess it was vague!

3:58 PM  
Blogger My Ramblings... said...

I usually avoid buses because of those reasons you have mentioned above. ;)

12:45 AM  
Blogger kit said...

Tough Life!

11:37 AM  
Blogger srijithunni said...

Hi Curious.

Basically all are humans and these are small things, negligible things, which we needn`t really bother about.

Nice BLog.


6:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somehow this phenomenon has happened with me more often than I thought it has happened with anyone else, but now it seems that "Curious" is another such species on this planet!
With me however, Murphy starts playing right from the time I start my day. It so happens that on the very day I need to rush to office early (to attent a meeting, for example), the electricity is cut off in the morning. So I have to bathe in cold water (no, I don't have any ancestral or "family scented" shirts with me), and shave in the dark, and skip my breakfast. Invariably my car is out of gas on this very day, and so I need to spend a good 10 minutes at the gas station. Also invariably on that very day, the Chief Minister of Delhi is visiting a nearby location for some flagging off ceremony, and so all surrounding traffic is diverted to the route I take to office. Not to mention the sudden requirement for an on-route passage to be 'dug down' (literally) by the MCD folks, leaving a narrow lane for all the migratory traffic to follow. And finally, when I do reach my office on time, I meet Mr. Murphy himself greeting me on the gate with the good news that the meeting had been postponed or cancelled.

1:25 PM  

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